The Blazing Swan Committee has made the incredibly difficult, but right, decision to cancel the Blazing Swan Festival this year. This is in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, and in response to advice given by myself, and by government.
This is heartbreaking for everyone involved. Countless people have put their blood, sweat, tears and soul into the creation of this community and this event. We are all crushed.
Nonetheless DeployED stands with the Committee and the Community-at-large.
I, and the rest of the DeployED Team, work in front-line areas (Community, ED and ICU) which will become the battlefronts of the coming wave of cases. The actions of the committee today have removed a massive opportunity for viral propagation in the community and in doing so they have given us more of a fighting chance in the war against COVID-19. They have probably saved hundreds of lives today, and prevented thousands of cases.
We will consolidate, and isolate, and be back stronger and more prepared for next year.
Love, Dust and Dreams,
Care Bear
Dr Stuart McLay MBBS FACEM
Medical Lead | Blazing Swan
Director & Founder | DeployED